Below are the Manual Steps to Setup ACFS file system in ODA box with GI version 11.2
DATA – is the diskgroup from which we are taking space (-volumeDiskGroup parameter)
1024 GB – is the space that we are allocating (-volumeSizeGB parameter )
acfsbkpvol – is the ACFS volume name (-volumeName parameter)
/backupfs – is the file system that will be mounted on both the ODA nodes
GI_GOME = /u01/app/
+ASM = instance name
1. Open a terminal window and log in as grid user (to the node 1) #su - grid
2. Setup the right environment variables to connect ASM instance $export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/ $export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1
3. Create your ACFS volume executing the following command: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -createVolume -volumeName RECO -volumeDiskGroup <volume_disk_group> -volumeSizeGB <volume_size> -sysAsmPassword <sysasmpassword> for example:- /u01/app/ -silent -createVolume -volumeName acfsbkpvol -volumeDiskGroup DATA -volumeSizeGB 1024 -sysAsmPassword <sysasmpassword>
4. Verify your volume creation /u01/app/ volinfo -G DATA acfsbkpvol | grep -oE '/dev/asm/.*' Volume Device: /dev/asm/<To_be_obtained> for example:- Volume Device: /dev/asm/acfsbkpvol-107
5. Create the ACFS filesystem /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -createACFS -acfsVolumeDevice <volume_device> for example:- /u01/app/ -silent -createACFS -acfsbkpvolumeDevice <volume_device> <volume_device> is the one which is obtained in Step 4 output.
6. Create the mount point Open a terminal window and log in as root (on both nodes) mkdir /backupfs chown grid:asmdba /backupfs
7. Add the new ACFS as cluster resource Execute on node 1 as root user the following: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/srvctl add filesystem -d <volume_device> -g RECO -v <volumename> -m <mount_point> -u grid for example:- /u01/app/ add filesystem -d <volume_device> -g DATA -v acfsbkpvol -m /backupfs -u grid <volume_device> is the one which is obtained in Step 4 output.
8. Mount the filesystem /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/srvctl start filesystem -d <volume_device> /u01/app/ start filesystem -d <volume_device> <volume_device> is the one which is obtained in Step 4 output.
9. Display all ACFS registered file systems issuing the following command #acfsutil info fs
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