I will show how you can install PostgreSQL 9.6 in Linux 7.This document is based on guidance provided by EDB (Enterprise distributor of PostgreSQL)
Step 1:-First we need to check Supported platform as below
The Advanced Server 9.6 RPM packages are supported on the following platforms:
64 bit Linux:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x and 7.x
CentOS 6.x and 7.x
The Advanced Server 9.6 graphical (or interactive) installers are supported on the following platforms:
64 bit Linux:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x and 7.x
CentOS 6.x and 7.x
Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.x and 7.x
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS
Debian 7 and 8
SELinux Enterprise 12.x
64 bit Windows:
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2 Server
Windows Server 2008 R2 Server
Step 2:-Let me Change SELinux to permissive mode:
[root@debasiseric4 ~]# vi /etc/selinux/config
[root@debasiseric4 ~]# sestatus
SELinux status: enabled
SELinuxfs mount: /sys/fs/selinux
SELinux root directory: /etc/selinux
Loaded policy name: targeted
Current mode: enforcing
Mode from config file: permissive
Policy MLS status: enabled
Policy deny_unknown status: allowed
Max kernel policy version: 31
[root@debasiseric4 ~]# setenforce Permissive
[root@debasiseric4 ~]# sestatus
SELinux status: enabled
SELinuxfs mount: /sys/fs/selinux
SELinux root directory: /etc/selinux
Loaded policy name: targeted
Current mode: permissive
Mode from config file: permissive
Policy MLS status: enabled
Policy deny_unknown status: allowed
Max kernel policy version: 31
Step 3:-Now I will download PostgreSQL 9.6 from EDB
Step 4:-Please download JDK 1.8 and transfer to Linux host.After that please install/untar JDK
Step 5:-Now I will install postgreSQL
A.Please provide execute permission to root
B.Please export new JDK 8 home.
[root@debasiseric4 jdk1.8.0_151]# which java
[root@debasiseric4 jdk1.8.0_151]# java -version
java version “1.8.0_151”
C.Now continue the installation
Welcome to the EDB Postgres Advanced Server Setup Wizard.
Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this
agreement before continuing with the installation.
Press [Enter] to continue:
Limited Use Software License Agreement
Version 2.9
User Authentication
This installation requires a registration with EnterpriseDB.com. Please enter
your credentials below. If you do not have an account, Please create one now on
Email [debasis.tcs@gmail.com]:
Password :
Please specify the directory where EDB Postgres Advanced Server will be
Installation Directory [/opt/edb]:
Select the components you want to install.
EDB Postgres Advanced Server [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres Connectors [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres Advanced Server Infinite Cache [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres Migration Toolkit [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres pgAdmin 4 [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres pgPool-II [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres pgPool-II Extensions [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres Advanced Server EDB*Plus [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres Advanced Server Slony Replication [Y/n] :Y
EDB Postgres pgBouncer [Y/n] :Y
Is the selection above correct? [Y/n]: Y
Additional Directories
Please select a directory under which to store your data.
Data Directory [/opt/edb/as9.6/data]:
Please select a directory under which to store your Write-Ahead Logs.
Write-Ahead Log (WAL) Directory [/opt/edb/as9.6/data/pg_xlog]:
Configuration Mode
EDB Postgres Advanced Server always installs with database compatibility features for Oracle(R) and maintains full PostgreSQL compliance. Select your style preference for installation defaults and samples.
The Oracle configuration will cause the use of certain objects (e.g. DATE data types, string operations, etc.) to produce results compatible with Oracle, create the same Oracle sample tables, and have the database match Oracle examples used in the documentation.
Configuration Mode
[1] Compatible with Oracle
[2] Compatible with PostgreSQL
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Please provide a password for the database superuser (enterprisedb). A locked
Unix user account (enterprisedb) will be created if not present.
Password :
Retype Password :
Additional Configuration
Please select the port number the server should listen on.
Port [5444]:
Select the locale to be used by the new database cluster.
[1] [Default locale]
[2] aa_DJ
[3] aa_DJ.iso88591
[4] aa_DJ.utf8
[5] aa_ER
[6] aa_ER@saaho
[7] aa_ER.utf8
[8] aa_ER.utf8@saaho
[9] aa_ET
[10] aa_ET.utf8
[11] af_ZA
[12] af_ZA.iso88591
[13] af_ZA.utf8
[14] am_ET
[15] am_ET.utf8
[16] an_ES
[17] an_ES.iso885915
[18] an_ES.utf8
[19] ar_AE
[20] ar_AE.iso88596
[21] ar_AE.utf8
[22] ar_BH
[23] ar_BH.iso88596
[24] ar_BH.utf8
[25] ar_DZ
[26] ar_DZ.iso88596
[27] ar_DZ.utf8
[28] ar_EG
[29] ar_EG.iso88596
[30] ar_EG.utf8
[31] ar_IN
[32] ar_IN.utf8
[33] ar_IQ
[34] ar_IQ.iso88596
[35] ar_IQ.utf8
[36] ar_JO
[37] ar_JO.iso88596
[38] ar_JO.utf8
[39] ar_KW
[40] ar_KW.iso88596
[41] ar_KW.utf8
[42] ar_LB
[43] ar_LB.iso88596
[44] ar_LB.utf8
[45] ar_LY
[46] ar_LY.iso88596
[47] ar_LY.utf8
[48] ar_MA
[49] ar_MA.iso88596
[50] ar_MA.utf8
[51] ar_OM
[52] ar_OM.iso88596
[53] ar_OM.utf8
[54] ar_QA
[55] ar_QA.iso88596
[56] ar_QA.utf8
[57] ar_SA
[58] ar_SA.iso88596
[59] ar_SA.utf8
[60] ar_SD
[61] ar_SD.iso88596
[62] ar_SD.utf8
[63] ar_SY
[64] ar_SY.iso88596
[65] ar_SY.utf8
[66] ar_TN
[67] ar_TN.iso88596
[68] ar_TN.utf8
[69] ar_YE
[70] ar_YE.iso88596
[71] ar_YE.utf8
[72] as_IN
[73] as_IN.utf8
[74] ast_ES
[75] ast_ES.iso885915
[76] ast_ES.utf8
[77] ayc_PE
[78] ayc_PE.utf8
[79] az_AZ
[80] az_AZ.utf8
[81] be_BY
[82] be_BY.cp1251
[83] be_BY@latin
[84] be_BY.utf8
[85] be_BY.utf8@latin
[86] bem_ZM
[87] bem_ZM.utf8
[88] ber_DZ
[89] ber_DZ.utf8
[90] ber_MA
[91] ber_MA.utf8
[92] bg_BG
[93] bg_BG.cp1251
[94] bg_BG.utf8
[95] bho_IN
[96] bho_IN.utf8
[97] bn_BD
[98] bn_BD.utf8
[99] bn_IN
[100] bn_IN.utf8
[101] bo_CN
[102] bo_CN.utf8
[103] bo_IN
[104] bo_IN.utf8
[105] bokmal
[106] bokmål
[107] br_FR
[108] br_FR@euro
[109] br_FR.iso88591
[110] br_FR.iso885915@euro
[111] br_FR.utf8
[112] brx_IN
[113] brx_IN.utf8
[114] bs_BA
[115] bs_BA.iso88592
[116] bs_BA.utf8
[117] byn_ER
[118] byn_ER.utf8
[119] C
[120] ca_AD
[121] ca_AD.iso885915
[122] ca_AD.utf8
[123] ca_ES
[124] ca_ES@euro
[125] ca_ES.iso88591
[126] ca_ES.iso885915@euro
[127] ca_ES.utf8
[128] ca_FR
[129] ca_FR.iso885915
[130] ca_FR.utf8
[131] ca_IT
[132] ca_IT.iso885915
[133] ca_IT.utf8
[134] catalan
[135] crh_UA
[136] crh_UA.utf8
[137] croatian
[138] csb_PL
[139] csb_PL.utf8
[140] cs_CZ
[141] cs_CZ.iso88592
[142] cs_CZ.utf8
[143] cv_RU
[144] cv_RU.utf8
[145] cy_GB
[146] cy_GB.iso885914
[147] cy_GB.utf8
[148] czech
[149] da_DK
[150] da_DK.iso88591
[151] da_DK.iso885915
[152] da_DK.utf8
[153] danish
[154] dansk
[155] de_AT
[156] de_AT@euro
[157] de_AT.iso88591
[158] de_AT.iso885915@euro
[159] de_AT.utf8
[160] de_BE
[161] de_BE@euro
[162] de_BE.iso88591
[163] de_BE.iso885915@euro
[164] de_BE.utf8
[165] de_CH
[166] de_CH.iso88591
[167] de_CH.utf8
[168] de_DE
[169] de_DE@euro
[170] de_DE.iso88591
[171] de_DE.iso885915@euro
[172] de_DE.utf8
[173] de_LU
[174] de_LU@euro
[175] de_LU.iso88591
[176] de_LU.iso885915@euro
[177] de_LU.utf8
[178] deutsch
[179] doi_IN
[180] doi_IN.utf8
[181] dutch
[182] dv_MV
[183] dv_MV.utf8
[184] dz_BT
[185] dz_BT.utf8
[186] eesti
[187] el_CY
[188] el_CY.iso88597
[189] el_CY.utf8
[190] el_GR
[191] el_GR.iso88597
[192] el_GR.utf8
[193] en_AG
[194] en_AG.utf8
[195] en_AU
[196] en_AU.iso88591
[197] en_AU.utf8
[198] en_BW
[199] en_BW.iso88591
[200] en_BW.utf8
[201] en_CA
[202] en_CA.iso88591
[203] en_CA.utf8
[204] en_DK
[205] en_DK.iso88591
[206] en_DK.utf8
[207] en_GB
[208] en_GB.iso88591
[209] en_GB.iso885915
[210] en_GB.utf8
[211] en_HK
[212] en_HK.iso88591
[213] en_HK.utf8
[214] en_IE
[215] en_IE@euro
[216] en_IE.iso88591
[217] en_IE.iso885915@euro
[218] en_IE.utf8
[219] en_IN
[220] en_IN.utf8
[221] en_NG
[222] en_NG.utf8
[223] en_NZ
[224] en_NZ.iso88591
[225] en_NZ.utf8
[226] en_PH
[227] en_PH.iso88591
[228] en_PH.utf8
[229] en_SG
[230] en_SG.iso88591
[231] en_SG.utf8
[232] en_US
[233] en_US.iso88591
[234] en_US.iso885915
[235] en_US.utf8
[236] en_ZA
[237] en_ZA.iso88591
[238] en_ZA.utf8
[239] en_ZM
[240] en_ZM.utf8
[241] en_ZW
[242] en_ZW.iso88591
[243] en_ZW.utf8
[244] es_AR
[245] es_AR.iso88591
[246] es_AR.utf8
[247] es_BO
[248] es_BO.iso88591
[249] es_BO.utf8
[250] es_CL
[251] es_CL.iso88591
[252] es_CL.utf8
[253] es_CO
[254] es_CO.iso88591
[255] es_CO.utf8
[256] es_CR
[257] es_CR.iso88591
[258] es_CR.utf8
[259] es_CU
[260] es_CU.utf8
[261] es_DO
[262] es_DO.iso88591
[263] es_DO.utf8
[264] es_EC
[265] es_EC.iso88591
[266] es_EC.utf8
[267] es_ES
[268] es_ES@euro
[269] es_ES.iso88591
[270] es_ES.iso885915@euro
[271] es_ES.utf8
[272] es_GT
[273] es_GT.iso88591
[274] es_GT.utf8
[275] es_HN
[276] es_HN.iso88591
[277] es_HN.utf8
[278] es_MX
[279] es_MX.iso88591
[280] es_MX.utf8
[281] es_NI
[282] es_NI.iso88591
[283] es_NI.utf8
[284] es_PA
[285] es_PA.iso88591
[286] es_PA.utf8
[287] es_PE
[288] es_PE.iso88591
[289] es_PE.utf8
[290] es_PR
[291] es_PR.iso88591
[292] es_PR.utf8
[293] es_PY
[294] es_PY.iso88591
[295] es_PY.utf8
[296] es_SV
[297] es_SV.iso88591
[298] es_SV.utf8
[299] estonian
[300] es_US
[301] es_US.iso88591
[302] es_US.utf8
[303] es_UY
[304] es_UY.iso88591
[305] es_UY.utf8
[306] es_VE
[307] es_VE.iso88591
[308] es_VE.utf8
[309] et_EE
[310] et_EE.iso88591
[311] et_EE.iso885915
[312] et_EE.utf8
[313] eu_ES
[314] eu_ES@euro
[315] eu_ES.iso88591
[316] eu_ES.iso885915@euro
[317] eu_ES.utf8
[318] fa_IR
[319] fa_IR.utf8
[320] ff_SN
[321] ff_SN.utf8
[322] fi_FI
[323] fi_FI@euro
[324] fi_FI.iso88591
[325] fi_FI.iso885915@euro
[326] fi_FI.utf8
[327] fil_PH
[328] fil_PH.utf8
[329] finnish
[330] fo_FO
[331] fo_FO.iso88591
[332] fo_FO.utf8
[333] français
[334] fr_BE
[335] fr_BE@euro
[336] fr_BE.iso88591
[337] fr_BE.iso885915@euro
[338] fr_BE.utf8
[339] fr_CA
[340] fr_CA.iso88591
[341] fr_CA.utf8
[342] fr_CH
[343] fr_CH.iso88591
[344] fr_CH.utf8
[345] french
[346] fr_FR
[347] fr_FR@euro
[348] fr_FR.iso88591
[349] fr_FR.iso885915@euro
[350] fr_FR.utf8
[351] fr_LU
[352] fr_LU@euro
[353] fr_LU.iso88591
[354] fr_LU.iso885915@euro
[355] fr_LU.utf8
[356] fur_IT
[357] fur_IT.utf8
[358] fy_DE
[359] fy_DE.utf8
[360] fy_NL
[361] fy_NL.utf8
[362] ga_IE
[363] ga_IE@euro
[364] ga_IE.iso88591
[365] ga_IE.iso885915@euro
[366] ga_IE.utf8
[367] galego
[368] galician
[369] gd_GB
[370] gd_GB.iso885915
[371] gd_GB.utf8
[372] german
[373] gez_ER
[374] gez_ER@abegede
[375] gez_ER.utf8
[376] gez_ER.utf8@abegede
[377] gez_ET
[378] gez_ET@abegede
[379] gez_ET.utf8
[380] gez_ET.utf8@abegede
[381] gl_ES
[382] gl_ES@euro
[383] gl_ES.iso88591
[384] gl_ES.iso885915@euro
[385] gl_ES.utf8
[386] greek
[387] gu_IN
[388] gu_IN.utf8
[389] gv_GB
[390] gv_GB.iso88591
[391] gv_GB.utf8
[392] ha_NG
[393] ha_NG.utf8
[394] hebrew
[395] he_IL
[396] he_IL.iso88598
[397] he_IL.utf8
[398] hi_IN
[399] hi_IN.utf8
[400] hne_IN
[401] hne_IN.utf8
[402] hr_HR
[403] hr_HR.iso88592
[404] hr_HR.utf8
[405] hrvatski
[406] hsb_DE
[407] hsb_DE.iso88592
[408] hsb_DE.utf8
[409] ht_HT
[410] ht_HT.utf8
[411] hu_HU
[412] hu_HU.iso88592
[413] hu_HU.utf8
[414] hungarian
[415] hy_AM
[416] hy_AM.utf8
[417] ia_FR
[418] ia_FR.utf8
[419] icelandic
[420] id_ID
[421] id_ID.iso88591
[422] id_ID.utf8
[423] ig_NG
[424] ig_NG.utf8
[425] ik_CA
[426] ik_CA.utf8
[427] is_IS
[428] is_IS.iso88591
[429] is_IS.utf8
[430] italian
[431] it_CH
[432] it_CH.iso88591
[433] it_CH.utf8
[434] it_IT
[435] it_IT@euro
[436] it_IT.iso88591
[437] it_IT.iso885915@euro
[438] it_IT.utf8
[439] iu_CA
[440] iu_CA.utf8
[441] iw_IL
[442] iw_IL.iso88598
[443] iw_IL.utf8
[444] ja_JP
[445] ja_JP.eucjp
[446] ja_JP.ujis
[447] ja_JP.utf8
[448] japanese
[449] japanese.euc
[450] ka_GE.utf8
[451] kk_KZ.utf8
[452] kl_GL
[453] kl_GL.iso88591
[454] kl_GL.utf8
[455] km_KH
[456] km_KH.utf8
[457] kn_IN
[458] kn_IN.utf8
[459] kok_IN
[460] kok_IN.utf8
[461] ko_KR
[462] ko_KR.euckr
[463] ko_KR.utf8
[464] korean
[465] korean.euc
[466] ks_IN
[467] ks_IN@devanagari
[468] ks_IN.utf8
[469] ks_IN.utf8@devanagari
[470] ku_TR
[471] ku_TR.iso88599
[472] ku_TR.utf8
[473] kw_GB
[474] kw_GB.iso88591
[475] kw_GB.utf8
[476] ky_KG
[477] ky_KG.utf8
[478] lb_LU
[479] lb_LU.utf8
[480] lg_UG
[481] lg_UG.iso885910
[482] lg_UG.utf8
[483] li_BE
[484] li_BE.utf8
[485] lij_IT
[486] lij_IT.utf8
[487] li_NL
[488] li_NL.utf8
[489] lithuanian
[490] lo_LA
[491] lo_LA.utf8
[492] lt_LT
[493] lt_LT.iso885913
[494] lt_LT.utf8
[495] lv_LV
[496] lv_LV.iso885913
[497] lv_LV.utf8
[498] mag_IN
[499] mag_IN.utf8
[500] mai_IN
[501] mai_IN.utf8
[502] mg_MG
[503] mg_MG.iso885915
[504] mg_MG.utf8
[505] mhr_RU
[506] mhr_RU.utf8
[507] mi_NZ
[508] mi_NZ.iso885913
[509] mi_NZ.utf8
[510] mk_MK
[511] mk_MK.iso88595
[512] mk_MK.utf8
[513] ml_IN
[514] ml_IN.utf8
[515] mni_IN
[516] mni_IN.utf8
[517] mn_MN
[518] mn_MN.utf8
[519] mr_IN
[520] mr_IN.utf8
[521] ms_MY
[522] ms_MY.iso88591
[523] ms_MY.utf8
[524] mt_MT
[525] mt_MT.iso88593
[526] mt_MT.utf8
[527] my_MM
[528] my_MM.utf8
[529] nan_TW@latin
[530] nan_TW.utf8@latin
[531] nb_NO
[532] nb_NO.iso88591
[533] nb_NO.utf8
[534] nds_DE
[535] nds_DE.utf8
[536] nds_NL
[537] nds_NL.utf8
[538] ne_NP
[539] ne_NP.utf8
[540] nhn_MX
[541] nhn_MX.utf8
[542] niu_NU
[543] niu_NU.utf8
[544] niu_NZ
[545] niu_NZ.utf8
[546] nl_AW
[547] nl_AW.utf8
[548] nl_BE
[549] nl_BE@euro
[550] nl_BE.iso88591
[551] nl_BE.iso885915@euro
[552] nl_BE.utf8
[553] nl_NL
[554] nl_NL@euro
[555] nl_NL.iso88591
[556] nl_NL.iso885915@euro
[557] nl_NL.utf8
[558] nn_NO
[559] nn_NO.iso88591
[560] nn_NO.utf8
[561] no_NO
[562] no_NO.ISO-8859-1
[563] norwegian
[564] nr_ZA
[565] nr_ZA.utf8
[566] nso_ZA
[567] nso_ZA.utf8
[568] nynorsk
[569] oc_FR
[570] oc_FR.iso88591
[571] oc_FR.utf8
[572] om_ET
[573] om_ET.utf8
[574] om_KE
[575] om_KE.iso88591
[576] om_KE.utf8
[577] or_IN
[578] or_IN.utf8
[579] os_RU
[580] os_RU.utf8
[581] pa_IN
[582] pa_IN.utf8
[583] pap_AN
[584] pap_AN.utf8
[585] pa_PK
[586] pa_PK.utf8
[587] pl_PL
[588] pl_PL.iso88592
[589] pl_PL.utf8
[590] polish
[591] portuguese
[592] POSIX
[593] ps_AF
[594] ps_AF.utf8
[595] pt_BR
[596] pt_BR.iso88591
[597] pt_BR.utf8
[598] pt_PT
[599] pt_PT@euro
[600] pt_PT.iso88591
[601] pt_PT.iso885915@euro
[602] pt_PT.utf8
[603] romanian
[604] ro_RO
[605] ro_RO.iso88592
[606] ro_RO.utf8
[607] ru_RU
[608] ru_RU.iso88595
[609] ru_RU.koi8r
[610] ru_RU.utf8
[611] russian
[612] ru_UA
[613] ru_UA.koi8u
[614] ru_UA.utf8
[615] rw_RW
[616] rw_RW.utf8
[617] sa_IN
[618] sa_IN.utf8
[619] sat_IN
[620] sat_IN.utf8
[621] sc_IT
[622] sc_IT.utf8
[623] sd_IN
[624] sd_IN@devanagari
[625] sd_IN.utf8
[626] sd_IN.utf8@devanagari
[627] se_NO
[628] se_NO.utf8
[629] shs_CA
[630] shs_CA.utf8
[631] sid_ET
[632] sid_ET.utf8
[633] si_LK
[634] si_LK.utf8
[635] sk_SK
[636] sk_SK.iso88592
[637] sk_SK.utf8
[638] slovak
[639] slovene
[640] slovenian
[641] sl_SI
[642] sl_SI.iso88592
[643] sl_SI.utf8
[644] so_DJ
[645] so_DJ.iso88591
[646] so_DJ.utf8
[647] so_ET
[648] so_ET.utf8
[649] so_KE
[650] so_KE.iso88591
[651] so_KE.utf8
[652] so_SO
[653] so_SO.iso88591
[654] so_SO.utf8
[655] spanish
[656] sq_AL
[657] sq_AL.iso88591
[658] sq_AL.utf8
[659] sq_MK
[660] sq_MK.utf8
[661] sr_ME
[662] sr_ME.utf8
[663] sr_RS
[664] sr_RS@latin
[665] sr_RS.utf8
[666] sr_RS.utf8@latin
[667] ss_ZA
[668] ss_ZA.utf8
[669] st_ZA
[670] st_ZA.iso88591
[671] st_ZA.utf8
[672] sv_FI
[673] sv_FI@euro
[674] sv_FI.iso88591
[675] sv_FI.iso885915@euro
[676] sv_FI.utf8
[677] sv_SE
[678] sv_SE.iso88591
[679] sv_SE.iso885915
[680] sv_SE.utf8
[681] swedish
[682] sw_KE
[683] sw_KE.utf8
[684] sw_TZ
[685] sw_TZ.utf8
[686] szl_PL
[687] szl_PL.utf8
[688] ta_IN
[689] ta_IN.utf8
[690] ta_LK
[691] ta_LK.utf8
[692] te_IN
[693] te_IN.utf8
[694] tg_TJ.utf8
[695] th_TH.utf8
[696] ti_ER
[697] ti_ER.utf8
[698] ti_ET
[699] ti_ET.utf8
[700] tig_ER
[701] tig_ER.utf8
[702] tk_TM
[703] tk_TM.utf8
[704] tl_PH
[705] tl_PH.iso88591
[706] tl_PH.utf8
[707] tn_ZA
[708] tn_ZA.utf8
[709] tr_CY
[710] tr_CY.iso88599
[711] tr_CY.utf8
[712] tr_TR
[713] tr_TR.iso88599
[714] tr_TR.utf8
[715] ts_ZA
[716] ts_ZA.utf8
[717] tt_RU
[718] tt_RU@iqtelif
[719] tt_RU.utf8
[720] tt_RU.utf8@iqtelif
[721] turkish
[722] ug_CN
[723] ug_CN.utf8
[724] uk_UA
[725] uk_UA.koi8u
[726] uk_UA.utf8
[727] unm_US
[728] unm_US.utf8
[729] ur_IN
[730] ur_IN.utf8
[731] ur_PK
[732] ur_PK.utf8
[733] uz_UZ
[734] uz_UZ@cyrillic
[735] uz_UZ.iso88591
[736] uz_UZ.utf8@cyrillic
[737] ve_ZA
[738] ve_ZA.utf8
[739] vi_VN
[740] vi_VN.utf8
[741] wa_BE
[742] wa_BE@euro
[743] wa_BE.iso88591
[744] wa_BE.iso885915@euro
[745] wa_BE.utf8
[746] wae_CH
[747] wae_CH.utf8
[748] wal_ET
[749] wal_ET.utf8
[750] wo_SN
[751] wo_SN.utf8
[752] xh_ZA
[753] xh_ZA.iso88591
[754] xh_ZA.utf8
[755] yi_US
[756] yi_US.cp1255
[757] yi_US.utf8
[758] yo_NG
[759] yo_NG.utf8
[760] yue_HK
[761] yue_HK.utf8
[762] zh_CN
[763] zh_CN.gb2312
[764] zh_CN.utf8
[765] zh_HK.utf8
[766] zh_SG
[767] zh_SG.gb2312
[768] zh_SG.utf8
[769] zh_TW.euctw
[770] zh_TW.utf8
[771] zu_ZA
[772] zu_ZA.iso88591
[773] zu_ZA.utf8
Please choose an option [1] :
Install sample tables and procedures. [Y/n]: Y
Dynatune Dynamic Tuning:
Server Utilization
Please select the type of server to determine the amount of system resources
that may be utilized:
[1] Development (e.g. a developer’s laptop)
[2] General Purpose (e.g. a web or application server)
[3] Dedicated (a server running only EDB Postgres)
Please choose an option [2] :
Dynatune Dynamic Tuning:
Workload Profile
Please select the type of workload this server will be used for:
[1] Transaction Processing (OLTP systems)
[2] General Purpose (OLTP and reporting workloads)
[3] Reporting (Complex queries or OLAP workloads)
Please choose an option [1] :
Advanced Configuration
PgBouncer Listening Port [6432]:
Service Configuration
Autostart PgBouncer Service [Y/n]:Y
Autostart pgAgent Service [Y/n]:Y
Update Notification Service [Y/n]: Y
The Update Notification Service informs, downloads and installs whenever
security patches and other updates are available for your EDB Postgres Advanced
Server installation.
Pre Installation Summary
Following settings will be used for installation:
Data Directory [/opt/edb/as9.6/data]:
Installation Directory: /opt/edb
Data Directory: /opt/edb/as9.6/data
WAL Directory: /opt/edb/as9.6/data/pg_xlog
Database Port: 5444
Database Superuser: enterprisedb
Operating System Account: enterprisedb
Database Service: edb-as-9.6
PgBouncer Listening Port: 6432
Press [Enter] to continue:
Setup is now ready to begin installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server on your
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y
Please wait while Setup installs EDB Postgres Advanced Server on your computer.
Installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server …
Installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server pgAgent …
Installing EDB Postgres Connectors …
Installing EDB Postgres Migration Toolkit …
Installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server EDB*Plus …
Installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server Infinite Cache …
Installing EDB Postgres pgAdmin 4 …
Installing EDB Postgres Advanced Server Slony Replication …
Installing EDB Postgres pgPool-II …
Installing EDB Postgres pgPool-II Extensions …
Step 6:-Now I will do post Installation Steps:
A. Change the ownership of edb to enterprisedb:enterprisedb
[root@debasiseric4 ]# cd /opt/
[root@debasiseric4 opt]# chown -R enterprisedb.enterprisedb edb/
[root@debasiseric4 opt]# ll
total 8
drwxr-xr-x. 9 enterprisedb enterprisedb 4096 Mar 24 14:36 edb
B. Set profile
-bash-4.1$ pwd
-bash-4.1$ cat pgplus_env.sh
# Environment
export PATH=/opt/edb/as9.6/bin:$PATH
export EDBHOME=/opt/edb/as9.6
export PGDATA=/opt/edb/as9.6/data
export PGDATABASE=edb
# export PGUSER=enterprisedb
export PGPORT=5444
export PGLOCALEDIR=/opt/edb/as9.6/share/locale
-bash-4.1$ cat .profile
. pgplus_env.sh
-bash-4.1$ pwd
3. Stop and Start the pg_ctl server
-bash-4.1$ pg_ctl -D $PGDATA stop -mf
[root@debasiseric4 ~]# /etc/init.d/ppas-9.6 stop -mf
[root@debasiseric4 ~]# pg_ctl -D $PGDATA start -w
-bash-4.1$ /etc/init.d/ppas-9.6 start
pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 4869)
/opt/edb/as9.6/bin/edb-postgres “-D” “/opt/PostgresPlus/9.5AS/data”
-bash-4.1$ /etc/init.d/ppas-9.6 status
INFO: [PID: 4869]
MSG: [ppas-9.6 is running]
INFO: [Please see service script file /var/log/ppas-9.6/ppas-9.6_script.log for details]