Manual Steps to Setup ACFS file system in ODA box with GI version 11.2

Below are the Manual Steps to Setup ACFS file system in ODA box with GI version 11.2

DATA – is the diskgroup from which we are taking space (-volumeDiskGroup parameter)
1024 GB – is the space that we are allocating (-volumeSizeGB parameter )
acfsbkpvol – is the ACFS volume name (-volumeName parameter)
/backupfs – is the file system that will be mounted on both the ODA nodes
GI_GOME = /u01/app/
+ASM = instance name



 1. Open a terminal window and log in as grid user (to the node 1)
 #su - grid
2. Setup the right environment variables to connect ASM instance
 $export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/
 $export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1
3. Create your ACFS volume executing the following command:
 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -createVolume -volumeName RECO -volumeDiskGroup <volume_disk_group> -volumeSizeGB <volume_size> -sysAsmPassword <sysasmpassword>
 for example:-
 /u01/app/ -silent -createVolume -volumeName acfsbkpvol -volumeDiskGroup DATA -volumeSizeGB 1024 -sysAsmPassword <sysasmpassword>
4. Verify your volume creation
 /u01/app/ volinfo -G DATA acfsbkpvol | grep -oE '/dev/asm/.*'
 Volume Device: /dev/asm/<To_be_obtained>

for example:- Volume Device: /dev/asm/acfsbkpvol-107
5. Create the ACFS filesystem

/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/asmca -silent -createACFS -acfsVolumeDevice <volume_device>

for example:-
 /u01/app/ -silent -createACFS -acfsbkpvolumeDevice <volume_device>
 <volume_device> is the one which is obtained in Step 4 output.
6. Create the mount point
 Open a terminal window and log in as root (on both nodes)
 mkdir /backupfs
 chown grid:asmdba /backupfs
7. Add the new ACFS as cluster resource
 Execute on node 1 as root user the following:

/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/srvctl add filesystem -d <volume_device> -g RECO -v <volumename> -m <mount_point> -u grid

for example:-
 /u01/app/ add filesystem -d <volume_device> -g DATA -v acfsbkpvol -m /backupfs -u grid
 <volume_device> is the one which is obtained in Step 4 output.
8. Mount the filesystem
 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/srvctl start filesystem -d <volume_device>

/u01/app/ start filesystem -d <volume_device>
 <volume_device> is the one which is obtained in Step 4 output.
9. Display all ACFS registered file systems issuing the following command
 #acfsutil info fs